
PC atau laptop untuk sinkronisasi data dan instalasi aplikasi / software ke ponsel. Telepon itu sendiri adalah kecil (103.5L x T 51W x 19.2 mm), ringan (120 gram), cocok dengan nyaman di tangan dan memiliki perasaan kuat untuk itu . Ada sisi volumegeser tombol penyesuaian serta akses cepat untuk instant tombol sisi pengoperasian kamera 2.0 megapixel. Cosmetically, telepon ini sederhana namun modern dalam penampilan, dan merupakan padat, tahan lama, perangkat mencolok.

Tarik eksternal HTC S720 hanya menyediakan sekilas keindahan yang sebenarnya dan kemampuan perangkat ini. Kualitas internal dan fungsionalitas memang mengagumkan.
HTC Touch Diamond telah windows mobile 6,1 yang mudah digunakan. Fitur GPS juga merupakan sentuhan yang bagus untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan di mana Anda harus pergi terburuburu. Ini memiliki memori internal 4GB juga. Baterai perlu diisi ulang setiap malam tetapi ini karena
dari semua program yang digunakan telepon di seluruh hari. Jika Anda menetapkan pengaturan Anda benar daripada Anda seharusnya tidak memiliki masalah dengan baterai yang berlangsung di seluruh hari. Anda juga dapat memainkan musik, permainan, dan tentu saja mengambil gambar. Kamera ini sangat mudah digunakan ketika datang untuk mengambil gambar. Anda dapat dengan mudah peti album foto yang banyak menyenangkan untuk dilakukan, terutama bagi ibuibu yang suka mengambil banyak gambar. Aku pendapat saya HTC Touch Diamond telepon jelas merupakan suatu perangkat besar Anda menyukai have.If HTC Touch Diamond, anda pasti akan dapat dihidupkan oleh HTC Touch Pro, yang tampak seperti Diamond dengan keypad slideout. Ada suatu masa ketika itu percaya bahwa Diamond akan mengambil pada iPhone 3G, tetapi meskipun dari membunuh terlihat dan teknologi TouchFLO, yang
Diamond tidak terkesan pada kinerja depan. HTC tidak meluncurkan TyTN II setelah itu, yang berkinerja baik, tetapi tidak memperoleh popularitas. HTC touchphone terbaru, Touch Pro tampaknya berbuat baik pada keduanya, popularitas dan kinerja.


Meskipun tidak Pro ramping sebagai Diamond, rasanya besar untuk menyimpan dan benarbenar saku. Yang terlihat samasama membunuh, dengan besar, 2.8 inci layar datar dan tombol panel melengkung elegan. Awal, akhir, rumah dan kembali tombol dilihat pada melengkung secara ergonomis panel depan yang menyatu dengan baik dengan layar, dan tombol OK di bagian tengah navigasi empat arah menyatu sama baiknya dengan keseluruhan halus.


Dengan perut yang mirip dengan Diamond, kecuali RAM yang lebih besar, yang tampaknya telah meningkatkan performa dibandingkan dengan Diamond. Touch Pro yang berjalan pada prosesor Qualcomm 528 MHz dengan Windows Mobile 6.1. Ketika datang ke konektivitas, transfer data dan geografis navigasi, ia memiliki seluruh array teknologi di dalam pembuangan, yang meliputi GPS, GPRS, Quadband GSM dan UMTS, HSDPA 7,2 Mbps, HSUPA, EDGE, triband CDMA dan Bluetooth 2.0 dengan EDR.

Pengetik's Delight


Einnig hefur Það er lofsvert innri minni af 4 GB. Þessi græja hefur Microsoft Windows Hreyfanlegur 6.1 Faglegur stýrikerfi sem bera að vera eins frábær miðill fyrir sléttur hlaupa um allar aðrar aðgerðir. Í WAP 2.0 hjálpar notandanum sleppt úr þörf á tölvunni meðan hann er á ferðinni. Í 3,15 MP myndavél leyfir handhafa ná fullkomnun á ljósmyndun. The byggð GPS með A GPS tryggir þessi notandinn aldrei lets týnist. The hljómtæki FM, vasa skrifstofa, rödd Minnir á MP3spilara og margir fleiri lögun bætir við ástúð notandans fyrir það.

Báðar þessar græjur hjálpa þeim að öðlast eigandi athygli og útlit Gestir sama hvar þeir eru. Þetta hjálpar til að byggja á þurfa traust og réttum til þess að verða tækni kunnátta manneskja. Þær hafa sett óviðjafnanlega markmið að elta í framan af keppinautum sínum. Þeir eru vissulega þess virði að peningar notandans og æra. Þessi græja með nærveru sinni gefa vísbendingar um tækniBoom vindum flæðir í heiminum.

Ef þú vilt fá nýjustu Samsung eða Samsung farsíma eins og Samsung i8510 með bestu tilboðin, heimsækja farsíma shop.After okkar nýlega kaup á HTC Snerta Demantur símann, og sjá margir möguleika sem það hefur að bjóða ég hefði að segja þessi sími er sérstaklega mikil fyrir moms. Þegar ég fékk fyrst HTC Snerta Demantur símann, ég var dálítið áhyggjufullur að snerta skjáinn. At fyrst, hugmynd
af fingri prenta á skjánum virtust aðeins pirrandi. Til að leysa þetta vandamál ég keypti bara hreinn klút til að þurrka á skjáinn niður þegar þörf krefur. Það er mjög þunnur og léttur sem gerir það auðvelt að bera í kring. I vildi mæla innkaup mál gefa şağ enn verndun og auðvelda fá şağ úr fjármunir þinn. Í tilfelli sem kom með minn var mjög gott, en þú verður að taka það alveg út í til að nota það. Skuggahliðin opna tilvikum eru miklu betri.

Svo það eru margar aðgerðir í símanum? Fyrst þú hefur tólastiku sem hægt er að skruna yfir að fá að öllum forritum þínum. Allur það tekur er snerta um fingur til að færa um þennan síma. Hvert er raunverulega ágætur sé TV eiginleiki. Það er ein ástæða hvers vegna það er frábært fyrir moms. Hægt fljótlega og örugglega draga upp nokkrar mennta Disney forrit fyrir lítið eitt til að horfa á á meðan þú ert að keyra á erindi. Ég notuðu sjálfur hvenær erfiður fá fáeinir hlutina. Það er frábært ef börnin séu aðeins Cranky. Auğvitağ ég enginn hver líkar fyrir kids mínar horfa mikla sjónvarp heldur horfa smá sjónvarp meðan ég sumir erindi gert pottþétt frábær tól. Annar mikill lögun er að þú getur fengið allar tölvupóst og jafnvel veður rétt á símanum þínum. Þannig jafnvel þegar þú ert ekki heima er hægt að vera í sambandi. Til að vinna moms Þetta er örugglega frábær græja. Þú geta stjórnað öllum tengiliðum og jafnvel búið til að gera list.Cellular sími tækni hefur náð ótrúlega hæð í aðeins nokkur stutt ár. Í raun, flest hárendir Cellphones eru ekki einu sinni kölluð sími, þau eru talin vera persónulegar og fartölvuvirk samskipti og skipulagsbreytingar tæki. Þess vegna þessar tegundir
sími fellur nú undir lýsandi flokka eins Smartphones, (PDA's persónulegur stafrænn aðstoðarmaður) og Pocket PC's.

Í hagnýtur getu þessara tækja eru í raun sambærileg við það sem við skrifborð tölva eða laptop, með aðeins augljós mismunur sé að stærð, því leiðir að lækka magn af forritun og minni getu. The HTC S720 fellur innan smartphone og PDA flokkur.

Í líkamlegu útliti af this sími er einstakt í hlið sem hann inniheldur a rennaút, fullkomlega hagnýtur QWERTY hljómborð. Þetta er mjög þægilegur hluti fyrir þá notendur sem eyða verulegum tíma í að senda og taka við og tölvupóst eða slá inn orðsendingar og stuttan Word skjal. Þetta hljómborð útrýma the gremjulegur og tímafrekara verkefni einum lykill fjölþættri banki eða having treysti a T9 aðgerð sem hvorki eða mjög duglegur. Ásamt sleekly verkfræðingur hljómborð, sem S720 mont a 2.5 ", 65k TFT háreinbeitni sýna. Þetta hús er lítill USBtengi sem er notað til að tengja síma rafmagnsleiðsla og handfrjáls heyrnartól og til að koma á tengingu við Home PC eða laptop fyrir gögn samstillingu og uppsetning á umsókn / hugbúnaður á the sími. Síminn sjálfur er lítill (103.5L x 51W x 19,2 T mm), ljósþyngd (120 grömm), passar vel í hendi og hefur a sterkbyggður feel til það . Það er að renna hlið bindi breyta takkann eins og a fljóturaðgangur hlið hnappur fyrir augnablik rekstur 2.0 megapixel myndavél. Cosmetically, þessi sími er enn einfaldur modern í útliti, og er sterkbyggður, varanlegur, lítt áberandi tæki.

Ytri aðdráttarafl af the HTC S720 veitir aðeins innsýn inn í raunveruleg fegurð og getu á þessu tæki. Innri gæði og virkni eru örugglega furðulegur.

"The Game er auðvelt að fá uppfærslur og festa The Game um vandamál er fastur. En oftar nú fólk er að reyna að reikna út hvernig fyrirtækið notar lykl

The Game er auðvelt að fá uppfærslur og festa The Game um vandamál er fastur. En oftar nú fólk er að reyna að reikna út hvernig fyrirtækið notar lykla af geisladiski og hvernig á að finna ólöglegt sem hægt er að nota til að spila leik til að hafa ólöglega afrituð.

Así, a empresa ten de crear mellores formas de impedir que as persoas de facer, e fire as persoas auténticas que só queren xogar o partido deles, e divertirse. Isto é o que a Valve ten feito no seu programa de vapor, non só actualiza e é un lançador de xogo rápido, pero é unha forma de impedir que as persoas de roubar o seu xogo. E nós, as persoas auténticas son os que sofren. Moitas empresas están descubrindo que este sexa un problema e están tendo que investir un bo diñeiro para o combate a este problema, o que eleva o prezo do The Game. Isto é como se fai un problema para as persoas auténticas. Temos que pagar máis por un xogo para protexer este xogo de ser ilegal copiar e utilizados por others.How podemos acabar con iso, así que é o problema. Non podemos facer máis de nós mesmos, excepto como tratar con iso nos deparamos

HTC Hero

"að því að fleiri verslanir eru reknar í eigu treysta á orðstír og hversu vel þeir meðhöndla viðskiptavinum sínum fyrir fyrirtækið þitt. Ef þeir koma

að því að fleiri verslanir eru reknar í eigu treysta á orðstír og hversu vel þeir meðhöndla viðskiptavinum sínum fyrir fyrirtækið þitt. Ef þeir koma fram við viðskiptavini sína og vilja til að koma aftur, og það er það sem geymir segja business.Half Life 2 er einfaldlega an awesome leikur. En fyrirtækið hefur vandamál, eða meiri rétt, er fyrirtæki sem er að reyna að laga. Vandamálið er sjóræningjastarfsemi og ólöglegri afritun af tölvuleikjum.

Ég braut nýlega niður og keypti Half Life 2. Nú, til að skilja hvað ég meina með því að þú sért að skilja lítið um líf mitt og hvað ég á að lifa. Ég skrifa um auka peninga og ég á föður sem dvelja heima. Konan vinnur minn og vegna eigin aðstæðna mínu dvöl heima og tekur
Housework og skrifa um peninga. Ég byrjaði líka að skrifa dóma fyrir PC og Game Boy Advance við vefsvæði leikur vídeó rifja upp. Ok I'll tengjast þeim nú Game Chronicles Magazine.

Ég verð að gera til að fá að æfa sig, meiri útsetningu sem rithöfundur og við skulum andlit það gaman. Hver á rétt á huga þeirra, sem eins og tölvuleikir vildi ekki ást til að fá vinnu yfir tölvuleikjum. Það borgar ekki peningana

HTC Hero


за тази Samsung фронт Заредете парна Washer е $ 1,100 и то може да бъде закупен онлайн и на дребно чрез stores.This стилен и напреднали Samsung парна Шайба функции общ капацитет от 4,5 кубически метра. Бях впечатлен от общия размер и дизайн на тази шайба. Вие не само ще има масивна перални барабана, че е в състояние да се справят двете си малки и ултра-размер пране натоварвания, но с разумно проектирана измиване вратата, ще имат по-лесен достъп до вашата пералня. Вратата ще осигури широк прозорец гледане така можете да следите облекло през цикъла на измиване. Тъй като перални барабана е направено с неръждаема стомана, тя никога няма ръжда или чип поради тежки натоварвания мито. Това драстично ще удължи живота на тази washer.This за миене също така ще предостави една от най-модерните методи за миене на облекло. За да се даде дрехите най-дълбоката и най-безопасният, почистване възможно, Samsung въведе Silvercare Технологии система. Тази уникална система използва лента от сребро, което е с размерите
на дъвка. Чрез употребата на студена вода, това ще изкорени сребро микроби и дълбоко петна от дрехите си, без да вредят плат.а общо


kunne nyte fantastisk lydopplevelse med denne TVen. С общ брой на двата високоговорителя, които доставят в 20-вата на властта ще можете да се насладите на високо аудио вярност, без да се налага да прикачите външни високоговорители. В SRS TruSurround HD звукова система ще позволи да се наслаждавате на виртуален съраунд звук, който играе на разстояние от различни честоти за да погълнат стаята си в отлично sound.The Samsung Вечност a867 за AT & T, известен също като Вечност (SGH-a867), е атрактивен и забавен мултимедиен телефон, който има един-допирам достъп до най-Т & мобилна телевизия, която ви позволява лесно да има достъп до различни телевизионни канали като MTV, ESPN,
NBC 2GO, NBC News2Go, Nickelodeon, FOX канал, както и много други телевизионни програми на разположение на пръстите си. Samsung Вечност a867 има уникална функция, която ви позволява да прехвърляте или дори да свалят музика, видео и други файлове високо качество с много висока скорост. Този телефон е съвместим с AT & T Navigator услуга за завой по завой.
Samsung Вечност a867 е умен черно и хром устройство с голям сензорен екран и зашеметяващ. Тя е с QWERTY клавиатура на екрана заедно


. Biasanya, jika Anda menemukan sebuah
kamera digital yang memiliki semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk performa gambar yang luar biasa, Anda tidak akan memiliki alasan untuk membeli kamera digital lain selama beberapa waktu. 10,1 Megapixel Samsung Digital Camera, Model: NV11 adalah salah satu yang terbaik kamera digital karena menyediakan konsumen dengan fitur-fitur yang solid state-of-the-art dan direkayasa untuk terakhir para pengguna selama bertahun-tahun.
Fitur Produk utama: Mungkin fitur yang keren tentang kamera digital ini adalah kenyataan bahwa meskipun itu kamera digital saku, ia memiliki total megapiksel hitungan 10.1, yang merupakan lebih dari 10 juta piksel yang bekerja di masing-masing gambar. Bila Anda memiliki banyak piksel di setiap foto, hanya akan ada ujungnya halus dan detail seperti kehidupan dalam setiap gambar. Anda juga dapat menangkap secara akurat lingkungan penembakan utama obyek, dan jika Anda ingin memperbesar cetak digital Anda, Anda dapat melakukannya tanpa kehilangan kualitas gambar apapun.
Dengan fitur-fitur canggih seperti Face Recognition Technology, Anda akan memiliki kamera digital yang membuat fotografi kompleks sangat


, memungkinkan Anda untuk mengetahui apakah Anda harus atau tidak mengambil shot.The lain Advanced Shake Reduction System, atau ASR, akan menghilangkan gambar buram karena tangan gemetar atau menembak permukaan yang tidak stabil. Tidak masalah jika Anda mengambil gambar dalam sebuah gempa bumi, Anda akan dapat memperoleh jelas dan tepat images.Product Harga Sementara orang akan berpikir ini kamera digital dari Samsung akan menjadi sekitar $ 600 dengan semua fitur-fiturnya, konsumen dapat menemukan kamera untuk harga rata-rata sebesar $ 225. Saya sangat merekomendasikan kamera digital ini untuk semua konsumen yang sedang mencari cameraSamsung favorit mereka berikutnya kamera digital adalah beberapa favorit saya produk dalam industri kamera digital karena kebanyakan dari mereka memperkenalkan teknologi meningkatkan citra tertinggi yang telah merampingkan bagi konsumen rata-rata. Hanya karena kamera digital mengklaim bahwa mereka memiliki teknologi yang menakjubkan tidak berarti bahwa hal itu benar untuk setiap konsumen. Kebanyakan konsumen tidak mau meluangkan waktu untuk membaca melalui manual pemilik tebal untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan kamera digital. Kamera terbaik di pasar adalah mereka yang memungkinkan semua pengguna, dari berbagai

"Slacker Portable 4Go Radio WiFi Internet Pourquoi: J'aime la musique, mais j'ai horreur de les acheter. The Slacker Portable 4Go radio Internet W

Slacker Portable 4Go Radio WiFi Internet

Pourquoi: J'aime la musique, mais j'ai horreur de les acheter.

The Slacker Portable 4Go radio Internet WiFi stations de radio Internet et vous pouvez enregistrer les chansons sur le dispositif lui-même pour s'adapter. Le fait que la musique stockée sur un périphérique, il est meilleur que mon iPod touch pour la radio Internet, parce que vous n'êtes pas connecté à Internet pour écouter votre musique.

Slingbox SOLO

Pourquoi: je peux apporter ma TV.

La Slingbox SOLO, vous pouvez écouter votre téléviseur sans fil avec un ordinateur portable ou un téléphone mobile compatible. Je ne suis pas fou de la télévision dans la plupart des cas, principalement parce qu'il se sent comme une perte de temps. Avec la Slingbox, je pouvais regarder la télévision de n'importe où si j'ai du temps libre.

T-Mobile G1

Pourquoi: C'est nouvelle technologie mobile de Google.

I like Google et ses produits, et après la visite du G1 en personne, je réalise que ce n'est pas laid comme on dirait en images. L'idée de l'informatique mobile dans un téléphone mobile est passionnante et je suis curieux de connaître le nouveau système d'exploitation Android.

Kindle: Amazon's Wireless Reading DeviceI je peux faire avec tout ce que le Kindle, impressionné. Selon Amazon, le Kindle utilise la technologie E Ink, il est donc plus facile pour les yeux que les écrans classiques. Certaines des caractéristiques que j'aime le libre accès à Wikipédia dans le dictionnaire, construit dans l'affichage des documents
Capacité et l'accès à l'Amazonie Whispernet réseau (WiFi ou aucun ordinateur requis). Le Kindle n'est pas seulement pour les livres, mais montre aussi des magazines, des journaux et des blogs.

Starcraft 2 Delay

Following Activision Blizzard’s delay of Singularity to 2010, an analyst predicts that Starcraft 2 will also be postponed to next year.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia said it was likely that Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty would be moved to 2010 in order to make room for the November release of highly anticipated shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which is forecast to sell 11 million copies.

Bhatia also cited the recent delay of Starcraft 2’s beta as a sign that the full release may be pushed to next year.

According to the Journal, Starcraft 2 is slated for an October launch and is expected to sell three million units. Blizzard has said that the company was aiming to release the title this year. Activision declined to comment on Starcraft 2’s release.

It makes sense for Activision to have Singularity, a first-person shooter and a new intellectual property originally due this fall, to stay out of Modern Warfare’s way — though the delay has also caused some speculation about the state of the game’s development.

Strike-Anywhere Missile Plan Could Get Hypersonic Boost

The Pentagon’s controversial plan to strike any target on the planet in under an hour could be getting a boost, from one of the U.S. military’s “Holy Grail” technologies. Last month, the Pentagon modified a $12-million contract, to allow Lockheed Martin’s ultrafast FALCON Hypersonic Test Vehicle project to become a component of an Air Force effort to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles at America’s enemies.

The Air Force’s Conventional Strike Missile is a modified Minuteman III ballistic missile, with a conventional warhead, in place of the nuke. For years, the military has wanted to use a de-nuked ballistic missile to enable U.S. forces to hit a target, anywhere in the world, in less than 60 minutes. But the missile has gotten hung up on diplomatic concerns: how would Russia or China feel, if we started launching ballistic missiles, with little or no warning? Plus, the CSM would be pricey: $10 million, or more, to kill a single target. “This is another bad idea by someone who thinks that there has to be a technical solution to every possible military challenge,” our own Jason Sigger quipped.

But U.S. Strategic Command boss Gen. Kevin Chilton wants the CSM, bad — and is pushing for a 2015 debut. To make the strike missile more accurate, Lockheed will take the body from its FALCON hypersonic test craft, and use it as a maneuverable “shroud” to protect the CSM’s warhead, as it streaks towards its target. “With an HTV-type system, you have a vehicle with more lift and less drag. It could stay in the atmosphere much longer, thus cruising longer so it’s trajectory wouldn’t have to be ballistic,” a source familiar with the program notes. “You might also launch it on a more generic rocket as opposed to an existing ICBM. But the key point is it would likely not be confused with a nuclear warhead.”

Amazon Cripples Mobile Apps With New API Restrictions

Amazon has changed the terms of service surrounding its popular data APIs such that its no longer possible to access Amazon data from mobile devices. As a result, one of our favorite mobile apps, Delicious Library, has been forced to shut down.

The mobile version of Delicious Library, an application that tracks and stores books, music, movies and more, has been removed from the iPhone App Store.

Perhaps the strangest element of new TOS is that not only can mobile apps not access the APIs, they can’t use data from the APIs even if, as in the case of Delicious Library, the actual access is done via a desktop app. For example the iPhone version of Delicious Library doesn’t actually connect to Amazon at all, but it did display information synced from the desktop version, which violates the TOS.

The relevant line of the TOS, section 4e, reads: “You will not, without our express prior written approval requested via this link, use any Product Advertising Content on or in connection with any site or application designed or intended for use with a mobile phone or other handheld device.”

It’s a curious restriction, especially the fact that even synced data is off limits, but at first glance it would seem there’s an easy workaround — just contact Amazon and ask for permission.

Unfortunately for Delicious Library fans Shipley did that and was informed that, currently, no exceptions are being made.

It would seem that, for now anyway, mobile apps that want to access Amazon’s APIs are quite simply dead in the water.

However there is a notable exception, another excellent iPhone app called SnapTell. SnapTell lets you take pictures of products with the iPhone, for example a book cover, and then uses image recognition tools to look up the product on Amazon and other online retailers.

Lawmaker Wants ‘Show of Force’ Against North Korea

A key Republican lawmaker on Thursday urged President Obama to launch a cyber attack against North Korea, or increase international sanctions against the communist country, in the wake of an unknown hacker’s denial-of-service attacks on U.S. and South Korean websites.

Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Michigan), the lead Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said the U.S. should conduct a “show of force or strength” against North Korea for a supposed role in a round of attacks that hit numerous government and commercial websites this week.

Hoekstra, speaking on the conservative America’s Morning News radio show, produced by the Washington Times newspaper, said that “some of the best people in America” had been investigating the attacks and concluded that most likely “all the fingers” point to North Korea as the culprit.

They’re reaching the conclusion that this was a state act and that “this couldn’t be some amateurs,” claimed Hoekstra, in direct opposition to what security experts have actually been saying.

He added that North Korea needed to be “sent a strong message.”

“Whether it is a counterattack on cyber, whether it is, you know, more international sanctions . . . but it is time for America and South Korea, Japan and others to stand up to North Korea or the next time . . . they will go in and shut down a banking system or they will manipulate financial data or they will manipulate the electrical grid, either here or in South Korea,” Hoekstra said. “Or they will try to, and they may miscalculate, and people could be killed.”

Time Gentlemen

I love point-and-click adventures as much as the next person. Actually, that hoary old platitude is an outright lie, in this case; I love them a great deal more than the next person, assuming of course that I am not standing next to Ron Gilbert.

Anyway, it’s a great time to be me, or someone like me, or like Ron Gilbert, because there are quite a few excellent point-and-clicks from a variety of different creators. There’s Telltale’s new episodic Monkey Island games that kicked off earlier this week. There’s the remake of the original Monkey Island on Xbox Live next week. LucasArts has also re-released several classic games on Steam.

But I haven’t actually played any of those yet. What I’ve been sinking my capacity for item-based puzzle solving into is a pair of adventures called Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! Created by a small indie team, these two games are professional, polished productions all the way through. While the free-of-charge first game does have some rough edges and is not especially complex or lengthy, the $5 sequel is every bit as detailed, internally consistent, funny, and engaging as the best output of classic-era Lucas or Sierra.

Andrew Vestal’s raves about the game, specifically its profane, unapologetically British, pitch-perfect comedy writing, got me into the series. Although you don’t have to play Ben There, Dan That before Time Gentlemen, I’d recommend it — the first game is free, and though not quite as awesome as the second, it’s still well worth playing through.

But Time Gentlemen, Please is the indie masterpiece, a point-and-click that loves the genre it’s in. The writers do poke fun at the conventions of the genre from time to time, and occasionally make casual reference to the classic games that inspired them, but it’s not a complete and total shattering of the fourth wall. The puzzles are mostly fair — there were a couple things that I’d have changed about Ben There, but Time Gentlemen has a better hint system in case you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing.

Another EV Hits the Dirt

Brembo, Ohlins and Acerbis are some of the elite parts found on many elite motorcycles worldwide. But this time they’re found not on the many, but the few - an electric motocross machine.

The evolt Bull1 joins the green two-wheel off-road scene alongside the Zero X, the Quantya track and the bike KTM is working on. The Bull1 is the newest addition to evolt’s stable including a trail bike and scooter, but how does it measure up?

Let’s just say that based on the specifications, it may be an interesting race.

Want more? Here it is:

  • Motor: Brushless 84Volt 3.500rpm
  • Nominal power: 10Kw (13.4hp)
  • Max power: 33.5Kw (50hp)
  • Nominal torque: 23 ft-lb
  • Max torque: 35.4 ft-lb
  • Batteries: 28 cell Lithium Polymer 96Volt 30Ah
  • Range: 2 hours off-road ride
  • Speed: 43-55 mph
  • Weight: 209-231lb

What else? How about a regenerative braking system linked to the back brake to recapture the energy when slowing. But don’t worry, if you want to lock-up that back wheel you’ll have a traditional brake back there too.

Want to get sloppy? A fully waterproof brushless motor made in (get this) Italy says get dirty, have fun and hose it down without a worry. And to top it off, the battery pack sustains in excess of 1,500 charges, with a two-hour endurance and one-hour charge time. Get two and ride all day!

The only downside we see is the absence of the sound of a hive of angry bees at the start of a race.

Photo: evolt

Amid Arms Race, U.S. Trains Up South Sudan Army

The conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region gets the most headlines. But the simmering north-south conflict has the potential to eclipse Darfur. While the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) forbids both sides from rearming, strong evidence suggests the two may be tooling up in advance of a crucial 2011 referendum that could lead to independence for the south. Last year, the Khartoum government confirmed the purchase of around a dozen MiG-29 fighter aircraft; and earlier this week, Jane’s Defence Weekly used satellite imagery to track apparent shipments of heavy weaponry to the government of South Sudan.

The South is also benefiting from some low-key military support from the United States — albeit in a very limited way. The State Department last year awarded a contract to security firm USIS to send training and advisory teams to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, Danger Room has learned. The teams will provide training and mentoring to Sudan People’s Liberation Army soldiers and senior officers, teaching them how to shoot, move and communicate like a conventional military.

In a recent interview with Danger Room, a State Department official said the purpose of this program — the price tag of which has not been disclosed — is “take them [the SPLA] out of the bush, basically, within the construct of the CPA – as a force that can come together in a unity government. Or if in 2011, the south secedes, that force could become the element of a South Sudan that’s sovereign.”

In support of the peace deal, the Department of State is helping transform the SPLA from a guerrilla force to a regular military. Depending on the outcome of the referendum, that force will either become the standing army of an independent South Sudan or become part of Sudan’s national army. Sudan is currently under sanction, but the United States government has authority to provide non-lethal equipment to support security sector reform in south Sudan under a presidential waiver. “We have not provided arms and ammunition,” the official said.

Bush’s Secret NSA Spying May Have Tainted Prosecutions, Report Warns

The Justice Department needs to investigate whether the secretiveness of Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program tainted terrorism prosecutions by hiding exculpatory evidence from defendants, an oversight report from five inspectors general warned Friday.

The report (.pdf), mandated by Congress, also warned that President’ Bush’s post-9/11 extrajudicial intelligence programs involved unprecedented collection of communications, and that the government needs to be careful about storing and using that data.

Senator Russ Feingold, Wisconsin Democrat who sits on the Intelligence committee, said the report showed the programs were “outrageous” and called for more declassification.

“This report leaves no doubt that the warrantless wiretapping program was blatantly illegal and an unconstitutional assertion of executive power,” Feingold said. “I once again call on the Obama administration and its Justice Department to withdraw the flawed legal memoranda that justified the program and that remain in effect today.”

The government has only admitted to eavesdropping on calls and e-mails where one end was overseas and one person was suspected to be a terrorist. It has never officially confirmed that it sucked in the telephone records of millions of Americans or eavesdropped wholesale on the internet, despite repeated media reports and confirmations from Congress members. But the report makes clear that there were more intelligence programs that the so-called “Terrorist Surveillance Program” that the administration acknowledged after the New York Times revealed in December 2005.

Self-Irrigating Desert Plant Discovered

Ecologists had been puzzling over the desert rhubarb for years: Instead of the tiny, spiky leaves found on most desert plants, this rare rhubarb boasts lush green leaves up to a meter wide. Now scientists from the University of Haifa-Oranim in Israel have discovered that ridges in the plant’s giant leaves actually collect water and channel it down to the plant’s root system, harvesting up to 16 times more water than any other plant in the region.

“It is the first example of a self-irrigating plant,” said plant biologist Gidi Ne’eman, a co-author on the paper published in March in Naturwissenschaften, a German journal of ecology. “This is the only case we know, but in other places in the world there might be additional plants that use the same adaptions.”